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April 5, 2023

Two Significant Pieces of News in One Week

Last week, the Government of Canada tabled the 2023 Budget. As expected, it responds to large government programs in the United States, namely the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The Canadian Budget builds on programs announced in the 2022 Budget and doesn’t attempt to match dollar-for-dollar with the US Government. At almost 1/10 of the population, Canada cannot compete at that level.

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  • Insights
August 15, 2022

What Canada’s 2022 Budget Means for the Battery Sector

In April, the Government of Canada released Budget 2022 which substantially builds on commitments to clean tech and the development of a comprehensive plan to localize the battery supply chain and attract investment. In advance of Budget 2022, through meetings and written submissions, Nano One provided suggestions on how Canada can encourage innovation that will drive investment, create jobs, reduce emissions and give North America energy security as we create a responsible battery supply chain.

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